ehxz 发表于 2003-8-27 12:37:08



  第【1】串:to have the knack of doing sth. 有窍门做某事

  The old man has the knack of catching wild rabbits. For this, people admire him so much.

  老猎手说: “我通常是先找一个山洞, 躲在洞边,然后向洞里扔一块石头. 如果听到里面传“呜---呜“的吼声, 就可以断定熊在里面.

  第【2】串:figure out 断定,领悟

  I cannot figure out what he is talking about.

  这时我就跳到洞口,朝里面打枪,熊很可能就会倒在我的枪口下.“ 年轻人听罢,满意地离去了.

  第【3】串:be likely to 可能

  He is very likely to fail in the final round, for he didn't prepare for it at all.

  过了几天, 老猎手偶然在医院里发现了那位浑身裹满绷带的年轻人.他惊讶地问起缘由.
  第【4】串:be wrapped up in 裹在...中

  He is totally wrapped up in bandage so that we can see his two eyes only.

  年轻人面露痛楚:“我确实按照您的嘱咐去做的, 先找了一个山洞, 躲在旁边 朝里面扔了一块石头, 不久就听到了“呜呜“的声音, 我急忙举枪跳到洞口, 可是还没等我开枪, 就从洞里开出来一列火车.

  第【5】串: be in great pain 处于极度痛苦当中

  He seems to be in great pain, so we'd better think about how to console him.
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查看完整版本: 搞笑英语:山洞里的怪物